Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Changing the World!

"Eve! You're up next! Right after Stacy" My mom yelled from across the room. I smiled, hoping not to give away how nervous I was. It was my first pageant ever and I was about to compete in the Questions round.

"Alright Mom! I'm ready!" I yelled back and got into position at the bottom of the stairs. I listened carefully for my introduction as I watched Stacy come off of the stage next to me. "How was it?" I asked.

"Not to bad. The questions are really simple. Like what do you want to be when you're older and stuff like that." She stopped at the bottom of the stairs; now standing next to me. "I'm sure you'll do great. You look absolutely beautiful," Stacy said with a smile.

"Thanks," I replied; that's when I heard my name. Putting on the best smile I could muster I strutted up on stage. The room is huge and it's packed full with people; mostly parents but some reporters for the local news stations.

"Eve, how are you feeling tonight?" The MC asked. I didn't recognize him from anywhere, which made me wonder if he was actually famous; MC's usually are.

"A little nervous but excited to answer some questions" I replied with a smile. I glanced at the audience, thinking it would help with my nerves, but it didn't so I just turned back to the MC.

"Understandable for your first pageant. But just between me and you, you're doing very well." He smiled and looked at his cards. I tried not to shuffle my feet back and forth while I waited for him to ask me the first question. "Eve, what do you aspire to be when you get older?"

I pondered the question over in my head. My future? I'd planned out many different ways to go about it. "I'm leaning towards police work. Helping people and making a difference are two things I always want to accomplish," I replied and smiled when it was met with a round of applause from the audience.

"Very good answer. Authority is a noble line of work. I hope to one day have you pull me over for speeding" He said and looked out at the audience; who laughed.

"Hopefully I won't have to" I replied, resulting in another fit of laughter from the audience. A new wave of confidence washed over me. Maybe I could win this, I thought.

"Anyways, final question. If there was one thing in the world you could change, what would it be?" The MC asked; and just like that, my confidence was gone. Change something about the world? There are so many possibilities; like world hunger, world peace and acceptance, along with equality.

"I'd have to say equality. Our society today is slowly making progress but there are still negative thoughts and things in the world" I replied. Everything had gone quiet. I looked at the MC who waved me on to continue. "Over the past decade more progress happens everyday of accepting everyone into society. Whether it be appearance wise or religion or sexual orientation or skin color or gender; progress is always happening." I paused for a quick break in my answer. "But negative acts are still happening. Abuse, adoption, rape, and beatings. If I could change one thing about the world, I would make everyone more accepting of one another." I stopped, hoping I hadn't said more than I was meant to. That of course was met with a standing ovation from all of the parents and a- clap on the back from the MC.

"Eve, that was a beautiful answer! Let's see if you can bring it in the talent round up next. Thank you" The MC said. I smiled brightly and walked off the stage. Apparently not everyone said stuff like that.

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