Ten Minute Play

Hey! For writing class myself and a few others had to  collaborate  and write a ten minute play. We decided on a murder mystery that takes place at an unknown location. The characters already  exist  in other medias; videos games, comics, tv shows, etc. Hope you enjoy! Feel free to leave comments on any of the work on my blog! :)

A Murder Mystery in the Multi-verse
By:  Heather, Reid, Kevin, Emma, and Patrick

{Tamsin is from a show called Lost Girl that airs every Sunday at 11:30pm on Showcase. She is a fae; like a supernatural being; able to instill doubt in anyone she chooses. Jack the Ripper is an historical figure; alive in the 19th century; known for killing multiple call girls. Sherlock Holmes is an historical fictional character; written in the late 19th century; known for solving mysterious crimes in London, England. Arthas is the prince of Lordaeron in World of WarCraft. Arcade is a doctor in the video game Fall Out: New Vegas. Set in post-apocalyptic Earth in 2281}

Scene: Dining room where each character wakes up sitting at the table, groaning.

Assembled Cast:  grumbling and groaning
Tamsin: Where are we?
[Arcade ignores everyone to search for gun]
Sherlock: A feast of unknown origins
Arthas: Let’s eat
Sherlock: Could be poison
Tamsin: Fine with me, at least there’s booze
Sherlock: Perhaps a round of introductions is in order?
Tamsin: Well I’m Tamsin. You don’t need to know anything else.
Arcade: I’m Arcade and I can’t find my bloody gun.
Jack: The cupcakes are mine!
Tamsin: You can have them, just as long as I get the booze.
Sherlock: Let us first look to our situation
Tamsin: And what is that situation Sherlock?
Sherlock: My apologies, do I know you from somewhere?
Tamsin: Never mind where I know you from, I know who you are, and that’s that.
Arcade: To be fair you’re a bit of an icon.
Sherlock: We are neglecting the other guests to this strange tableau.
Arthas: I am Arthas
Tamsin: Arthas? Different name
Jack: And I’m Jack
Tamsin: Oh, like Jack the Ripper
Sherlock:  He’s probably not. Are you?
Jack: Uh….
Arcade: He couldn’t be, there’s no way someone that long dead could be here…Well…
[Tamsin and Arcade glare at Sherlock, and Tamsin notices the liquor across the table and grabs the bottle, putting it to her lips]
Tamsin: It could be possible, considering Sherlock is here
Sherlock: What are you talking about? I’m alive aren’t I?
Arcade: There’s no way though. It’s 2255 there’s no way these people who are hundreds of years old COULD be here, this isn’t even Europe.
Arthas: Europe? Where the hell is that, this is Azeroth
Tamsin: What are you two talking about? This is America
Arcade: Obviously, where else could we possibly be? I doubt someone would go through all the trouble to kidnap 5 people and bring them THAT far from the Mojave wasteland.
Sherlock: Obviously this is just a dream brought on by excessive drugs.
Arcade: Well if you know this is a dream, which I’m pretty sure it’s not considering we all seem pretty real, why would we even bother talking to each other? Why hasn’t the dreamer drifted into a different dream by now?
Tamsin: Arcade makes a good point. And I don’t take drugs, only beer and cheap wine
Sherlock: If this isn’t a dream then it’s quite the conundrum
Arcade: Well, I haven’t had decent food in a long time, especially not cupcakes, while we’re here we might as well eat.
Jack: Well then, let’s eat.
[The five begin eating, before Sherlock notices a note in the middle of the table.]
Sherlock: There’s a note in the middle of the table.
[Arthas grabs the note before anyone else can reach it.]
Arthas: *Ahem* It says “You’ve all been pulled here to play a little game, under your plates you’ll notice a card.”
[He pauses as everyone reaches under their plates for a card]

Arthas: “Four of you have a card with a sheep, while one of you has a wolf. If you reveal your card to anyone, you will be killed. If any of you want to return home to your respective universes, you will have to find the wolf and kill them. If you are the wolf, you must kill all the sheep before you can return home, let the game begin.”
Tamsin: Well that’s a little dark. Even for me
Arcade: Well, let’s just talk for a while considering I doubt anyone’s just going to start killing each other in view of everyone else.
Tamsin: I guess a little light conversation never hurt anyone before
Arcade: Well, the note mentioned we’re all from different universes, which explains the confusion. Why don’t we talk about what our own universe is like?
Sherlock: Yes, young lady, where are you from?
Tamsin: I’m what you call a fae. There are two sides in my universe, the light and dark. I belong to the dark; quite fitting if you knew me a little better.
Arcade: Is that really the kind of thing you want to say after we’re told one of us has to kill the rest?
Tamsin: Why not. Plus, I doubt you’re so clean either
[Tamsin stands and walks to a table in the corner to get another liquor bottle, tripping along the way]
Arcade: Well, maybe I’m not, but I’m not on any “Dark sides”, so I have that going for me. Plus, I’m a doctor, while I don’t necessarily have a problem with shooting a bandit in the head or breaking a rowdy ghouls arm. I’m a doctor; I try to dedicate my life to healing.
Tamsin: Well then good for you for being so helpful.
Arcade:  Well that’s me I guess, Sherlock, a few of us know the tales, but would you mind telling us about your actual universe.
Sherlock: I’m from London, England, 1895. I work as a consulting detective, the only one of my kind.   
Tamsin: I work as a homicide detective in my world too. Bit of a boring job if I might say
Sherlock: Homicides normally are. I specialize in the special cases.
Tamsin: As do I. Although there is always a big splash of supernatural in my cases
Sherlock: Supernatural really? There’s nothing of that sort in my universe.
Arcade: The closest thing in my universe is ghouls, who are kind of zombie-like, but they’re just mutants who were exposed to too much radiation. So, we’ve heard enough about Sherlock, let’s move on to Arthas.
Arthas: I’m from the old city of Lordaron; a city high up in the eastern kingdoms. There was once a lot of people once, and then I killed them all.
Jack: That’s terrible
Sherlock: I concur
Tamsin: Me too, I haven’t even killed that many; just stopped a few wars.
Sherlock: You sound a lot like a wolf slaughtering lambs
Jack: Perhaps you’re the wolf.
Tamsin: Wolf sounding to me
Arthas: If I was the wolf, you would all be dead right now
Tamsin: True, but someone here is the wolf and we’re all still alive
[Lights blink and flicker. Silence]
Tamsin: What’s going on with the lights?
[Lights return to normal and the characters look at the scene in front of them. Tamsin places fingers on neck to check for pulse]
Sherlock: It appears the wolf has struck
Arcade: Guess he wasn’t the wolf
Tamsin: Great job at pointing out the obvious. Someone else must be the wolf.
Jack: Look at the knife stuck in his chest. 
[Sherlock pulls out a magnifying glass and inspects the wound]
Sherlock: Interesting, very interesting.
Tamsin: The knife is located on the left side of his chest. It’s as if the killer was sitting to the left of him
Sherlock: Or maybe they wanted us to think that
Tamsin: Maybe or whoever killed him was sitting on his left side, like the evidence proves.
Jack: I was sitting to his right. There’s no way it could have been me.
Tamsin: A little quick to say your innocent, Jack.
Sherlock: What about you Tamsin? You were on his left.
Tamsin: To right I was, but you’re going to need more evidence than a simple butter knife.
[Tamsin stands again and cautiously walks back to the liquor cabinet to get yet another bottle of wine. Snickering along the way]
Jack: What about you Arcade?
Arcade: I was sitting across from him. How could I have moved all the way around the table without making any noise or being seen?
Tamsin: You could have reached across the table. It’s not too far of a stretch.
Sherlock: Quite possible really
Jack: But Sherlock could have also killed Arthas. Don’t forget he’s also sitting across from him.
Sherlock: Please as smart as I am; if I were the killer you wouldn’t even know they were dead.
Tamsin: However that would work. The possible choices are myself, Arcade, Sherlock an-
Jack: Everyone is still a suspect is what you’re implying
Sherlock: We should move the body away
Tamsin: I agree but where? In that closest maybe?
[Everyone looks at a door in the far corner of the room. They all nod]
Jack: Looks like a good place. Out of the way
Tamsin: I’ll take his arms if someone will take his legs
Sherlock: I’ll take a leg. Jack take the other and Arcade, you take the middle
[The four lift Arthas’ body, open the closest door, and throw him in. Standing back Tamsin closes his eyes and then the door]
Tamsin: Pour guy. No one needs to die like that
Jack: They will if we’re going to get home.
Arcade: Didn’t that guy kill an entire city of innocent people?
Sherlock: He doesn’t deserve our sympathy
Tamsin: I didn’t know him, I didn’t like him. Let’s get back to drinking
 [Everyone takes their seats back at the table; glancing at the empty seat. Tamsin shrugs and reaches for the bottle. Pausing only a few inches away she rethinks her choice and falls back into her chair]
Tamsin: You know what; I’m going to find the kitchen. I don’t know about any of you but this girl… [Tamsin points to herself] …needs her coffee right about now.
[Tamsin leaves the room and heads towards a door at the far back of the dining room]
Arcade: I guess we should all look around. See if there are any clues as to where we are.
Sherlock: I bet this leads to the main lobby
[Sherlock carefully opens the door at the opposite end of the kitchen. Arcade follows behind; Jack catches up with Sherlock and Arcade in the grand foyer]
Jack: I guess we are exploring then. I’ll go upstairs I guess
Arcade: Fair enough. Sherlock, why don’t you check out the basement? I’ll check out the rest of this floor
[Jack heads up the stairs. Sherlock looks around until he finds the staircase heading down to the basement. Arcade heads into the living room]
Tamsin: Hey! Where’d they go?
[Tamsin, in coming back into the dining room from the kitchen, notices that everyone seemed to have disappeared]
Arcade: Nothing here! All the windows seem to be blacked out!
[Arcade yells from the living room]
Sherlock: The same for me! As far as I can see, there’s nothing out of the ordinary!
[Sherlock replies from the basement. Arcade and Sherlock meet back in the lobby]
Tamsin: There you are! What are you doing out here?
Arcade: We decided to look around; see if anything could lead to the location of this place.
Tamsin: And did you find anything?
Sherlock: No. Nothing.
Tamsin: Well then answer me this. Where is Jack?
Arcade: He went up to the second floor.
[Arcade, Sherlock, and Tamsin look up to the top of the stairs. It was pitch black]
Tamsin: Jack! Did you find anything?
Tamsin: We should go check to see if he’s okay.
Sherlock: Very well
[Sherlock heads up the staircase with Tamsin and Arcade close behind]
Tamsin: Why does it have to be so dark?
Arcade: They probably thought it would help with the anticipation of it all
Tamsin: Yeah, well it’s working.
[They get to the top of the stairs and notice it splits two ways]
Arcade: We should split up.
Sherlock: Me and Arcade will go onward, you stay here where it’s safe
Tamsin: Fine, yell if you need anything
[Tamsin slumps onto the top stair as Arcade goes down the right corridor and Sherlock heads down the left]
[Crash! Bang! Boom! Arcade screams. Jack runs out from the right corridor]
Tamsin: What was that?
Jack: He tried to kill me! It was self defense
[Sherlock runs back to Tamsin and Jack]
Sherlock: What’s going on here?
Tamsin: I’m not sure. Jack says it was in self defense. Should we go look? See if Arcade is okay?
Jack:  It was in self defense. I stick by that statement
[Sherlock, Tamsin, and Jack walk down the corridor and into another room.
Sherlock: You killed Arcade didn’t you?
Jack: Of course I did, he tried to kill me first.
Tamsin: Well then where’s the body?
[Jack points towards a couch in the middle of the room. They look behind it to see Arcades body on the floor]
Tamsin: Oh, there it is. What’s that sticking out of his che…
Sherlock: It’s the same type of knife that killed Arthas and the same wound
Tamsin: You’re right. Jack, care to explain yourself?
Jack: Like I said before, I was just protecting myself. He just came at me
[Jack collapses onto the couch dramatically. Tamsin and Sherlock look at each other and nod. Sherlock manages to get behind and knock Jack out his walking stick]
Tamsin: Well that’s fine but what do we do now? Tie him to a chair? [Hinted with sarcasm]
 Sherlock: We can’t kill him in cold-blood.
Tamsin: I see no problem with me doing it
[Tamsin removes the knife from Arcades body and stabs it into Jack’s heart]
Tamsin: There, all taken care of. Now let’s go home.
Sherlock: How do we get home?
Tamsin: How should I know? Maybe there’ll be another note in the dining room
[Sherlock and Tamsin make their way down the staircase and back into the dining room. They sit down across from each other and notice a bottle of Brandy and two glasses sitting in the middle of the table. Tamsin downs her glass of Brandy.]
Tamsin: Isn’t this a treat?
[Tamsin pours another glass of brandy and takes a sip. Sherlock shakes his head]
Sherlock: I’ve never seen a women drink this much and still remain standing
Tamsin: It’s a gift I guess; the ability to stay sober after multiple bottles
Sherlock: You remind me of an old advisory. Where did you say you were from again?
Tamsin: It’s a long story. I’m a bit of a wanderer. I would rather not get into it at the moment if you wouldn’t mind.
Sherlock: Fair enough.
Tamsin: What about you Sherlock? Where are you from?
Sherlock: I’m from London but I was on a bit of a hiatus in Peru. I more or less faked my death
Tamsin: Peru? I think I’ve been there; a very beautiful place. 
Sherlock: I was there for the Llamas
Tamsin: Llamas?
Sherlock: Yes, I’ve spent the last year being a Llama farmer
Tamsin: Interesting choice for a career. Why a Llama farmer?
Sherlock: I needed to get out of London for a while. Anyway, where have you travelled?
Tamsin: I can’t really remember, but I assume a variety of places; France, Russia, Germany. Before I was dragged here I lived in America.
Sherlock: That explains the drinking
[Tamsin laughs as she pours herself and Sherlock a glass. They both sit quietly, drinking the Brandy from their glasses. Sherlock notices a note attached to the bottom of the bottle]
Sherlock: “Well done on the killing the wolf. We all enjoyed watching the little show. Too bad for you it’s not over yet.”
[Sherlock pauses to look at Tamsin]
Tamsin: Keep reading Sherlock
Sherlock: “You are free to go home but you will never know the truth of what fully conspired here. If you feel up to the challenge take the hallway on the right, or if you truly are a sheep take the front door.”
[Tamsin raises her hands]
Tamsin: Hold on. I thought we did go down the hallways?
Sherlock: Perhaps we didn’t go all of the way
Tamsin: What should we do? Go down the hallway or out the front door?
Sherlock: Well, I’m defiantly solving this; the hallway for me. But you young lady should probably go home
Tamsin: And why would you say that Sherlock?
Sherlock: I’m assuming you have a life to get back to?
Tamsin: I could say the same thing about you too, you know
Sherlock: Solving mysteries is my life and this seems like an exciting one
Tamsin: Don’t forget that I’m a detective too Sherlock. Solving mysteries is a part of the job
 Sherlock: So I suppose we are both honor bound then?
Tamsin: Yes, I suppose we are
[Tamsin and Sherlock stand and walk through the door that leads to the lobby. They both look at each other before making their way up the staircase; pausing at the top of the stairs]
Tamsin: You ready?
Sherlock: Yes
[Tamsin and Sherlock make their way down the right hallway. Stepping over the body of Arcade and standing in front of a large wooden door at the back of the room]
Sherlock: Are you sure you won’t consider going home?
Tamsin: I’m not a chicken. I am defiantly not backing down now.
Sherlock: On to the great beyond then
[Tamsin opens the door. Sherlock and Tamsin walk through.]

The End

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