Thursday, August 14, 2014

Drop of Water

Prompt: Write as if you were a drop of water. Describe your journey whether through oceans. rivers, mountain streams. forest creeks, house pipes, city sewers, rain storms and hurricanes, whatever...

We move fast. The currents make it so that we have no other choice. They decide which direction we travel in and how fast. It's our job to follow. 

I see many interesting things while traveling, although nothing lasts long enough to fully understand what it was. Everything whisks by so fast I don't bother to look anymore. I wish the currents would slow down. They move so fast as if they're in a hurry to got somewhere, but that somewhere never comes.

Right now I'm in a place with a lot of trees and plants. It's very green and colorful. Animals appear along the shoreline. Big ones, small ones. Some of them even have WINGS! They fly above me and look for food below me.

Here, among the trees, the currents are more patient. They slow down and allow us to see the beauty all around.  I think that in this place, surrounded by all of the wonders and colors and wonderful colors, they find serenity; a peace and calmness to the reckless and distress of the world. Here the wind blows softly through the trees, never hitting them too hard, always a nice little nudge; letting them move and sway.

As the currents take me away from the green and the calm and the color, I feel a numbness. We are re-entering the real world. The one full of war and hatred and ugliness; the one water spends most of its time. We look forward to the little amount of time we get to admire the places and things that have yet to be corrupted. The places still full of wonder and excitement.

Maybe in time I will learn why the currents move so quickly through this world and so slowly through the other. Maybe I will understand that they mean to take us away from the hurt and disaster and bring us, for what little time can be spent, to a world full of beauty. The currents I now feel, are trying to reach a destination, but it is not one that we can stop at. It is simple one they make sure we see.

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