Four Towns and a Castle

Euphoria In The Making

Grass danced in the light breeze that carried through town. People bustled around on the streets going in and out of buildings, gathering supplies. Days in our town of Euphoria start early. Our town is just beginning to get it's shape, buildings are going up but slowly. Right now we are mostly trying to get houses built so that when winter comes everyone has a safe, warm place to live. We've split up into three groups; the resources, they gather stone and wood and iron, the builders, they are the ones that actually built the houses, and finally the farmers, these guys till the land and get it ready for planting.

I am one of the builders; they put me in charge of making sure that a house was being built for everyone. The house plans we're are making are mostly custom to each family or group of individuals. Most of them want a one story house but some of the larger families and farming families want a two story house. Some of the singles are willing to live with others to minimize the amount of house we need to build, some of the families have also said that they will let a couple move in with them. I told the builders that I am willing to live with anyone that would take me; family or individual. The Smiths have offered to let me stay with them, which i graciously accepted. 

The Smith family are one of the larger families who are also farmers so their house will have to be a two story with an attic for me. Their family is one of the more happy families in Euphoria, and that's quite hard to do, everyone here is happy. The Smiths consist of two parents; Joanna the mother and John the father; as well as three children; Thomas and Daniel the twins, age 7, and Lucy, age 14. With three children and myself, we've worked out that the second floor would consist of two rooms, one for Thomas and Daniel and the other for Lucy and Me. 

I should probably introduce myself, my name is Gina Nilson. Everyone assumes that I'm related to the Nilson family here but the truth is that my family didn't move here with me. My parents stayed in the next kingdom over with my little brother and grandparents. They didn't approve of my choice to move away but this just makes me more thankful for the Smith family and their generosity. 

Today is going to be chaotic. Most of the houses are being completed today and so all of the people are moving in and getting settled. I woke up this morning feeling slightly refreshed. I'd been up all night making sure that all of the houses were made to the peoples specifications. I'd gone to bed happy that everything was perfect, I just hoped that today would be too. The farmers have completed the tilling of the land and we are stalked up on wood, stone and iron. Most of the iron will be transported to Trojan and made into tools, some of which will come back here to Euphoria for hunting, farming, and shearing the sheep. 

I met with the town major, Asher, to talk about the settlement. We agreed that we should move one group of people in at a time, do it house by house. That way everyone wasn't pushing against each other to get inside; it also makes sure that nobody goes into the wrong house. 

By noon most of the families and others living in the town houses were settled. Moving the farming families into their houses would be easier because there is so much space in-between. I assigned the builders to accompany each family to their home and report to me what they thought and if any changes or improvements were necessary. 

I made my way to the Smiths family house to check it out. I have not seen it one bit since my friends started construction in early spring. Throughout the rest of the day I helped the Smiths get settled and got the whole town together at nightfall. We all gathered around this huge bonfire and sang and ate and connected. Winter was coming and that would be the big test, I was not looking forward to it, it was going to be ruff but going to bed that night in a bed was beyond comforting. I smiled as I relaxed for the first time since coming to Euphoria; now my only job was to help with the farm and pasture.


The town was pretty small; only a few streets connected with the towns center. The streets themselves were clean, almost spotless but the buildings were another matter. Vines,branches, and flowers sprung from the smallest of crevasses; covering certain sections along the street completely. Most of the building on these streets were old, more than a century since anyone had stepped foot inside. Parts of the stone structures were crumbling and eroding away as the time crept by.  Some of the buildings' windows were smashed or cracked; as if a miniature war had played out within the small town. The center of the town was the most overgrown. A statue of the town's founder, Sir Robert Alcott, sat in the very middle, surrounded by a rather large water fountain; that now contained nothing but dead algae and moss. The town's hall, not really much a hall and more like a miniature garden, had started to break its boundaries and explore the world around it. Tree roots broke up through the tiles that lined the town's streets and bushes were starting their slow capture of the town's outer wall, although not that high. 

Nobody had stepped foot in the town for nearly one hundred years. It's not that anyone didn't want to, they just found it rather creepy; with it being so overgrown. But it was more than just that; the people of the surrounding villages and towns could feel that something was just not right with it. No one had dared walk through the lush gates. Not until they did. The children who would finally discover what had happened to this desolate place. 

They entered slowly at first. Taking in their surroundings. There was four of them; Felicia Smith, the daughter of a farmer in the town of  Euphoria; Terence Knight, the son of a  courageous knight in the town of Trojan; Gina Nilson, the daughter of a duchess in the castle of Clout; and Caitlin Day, the daughter of a famous scholar in the town of Lore. All of them had been close friends since infancy; now they were eighteen and looking for an adventure. Caitlin, Felicia, and Terence were the original three, until they'd met Gina and befriended her.

As soon as they walked through the front gates they stood on the first of only six streets. Looking around. all they could see was the wide open street and at the end was the statue of Sir Robert Alcott. Terence and Felicia were the first to move forward into the ruined town.

 "It's so dense. You can hardly see the buildings" Gina said walking nonchalantly behind the two. The group of friends continued to make their way down the beaten street; taking in all of its characteristics.

"It makes sense. Nobody's been here in over century. Nature has just reclaimed what was always its" Caitlin replied. She was behind the rest of them; taking in everything. Caitlin was in the town for a very different reason. The other three were there for an adventure, she was there to learn.

"Well something bad must have happened. From what I know about nature, it couldn't smash windows like that" Terence exclaimed; pointing towards one of the stores to the groups right. It was a smaller building; compared to the others on the street; but it was wider. There was a giant window at the front of the store that was practically gone. A wide gaping hole in the glass allowed light to shine in through and illuminate everything inside.

"It looks like an herbal store." Felicia said excitedly. Everyone rolled their eyes as they followed her towards the store.

"The Herb Emporium" Gina read from the sign that hung above the front door. The letters were almost worn off but still legible.

"I'm going in" Felicia stated as she opened the door; as she did it let out a sound, almost like a groan.

"We'll wait out here. I have no interest in herbs. No offense Fuzzy" Terence announced as he walked away. Felicia grimaced at the nickname; she hated it.

"Don't call me that Tery" She spat back, while quickly ducking inside the shop. Caitlin and Gina just stood there, watching the two friends interact.

"It's always a show" Gina whispered to Caitlin, who giggled in response and continued walking.

Eventually Felicia rejoined the others at the towns center. Proudly she whipped a small vial of a strange liquid out of her bag.

"Caitlin. I found this on a shelf in the very back of the store. I thought you would find it interesting" Felicia said as she handed the vial to her friend.

"Fel, do you know what this is?" Caitlin asked, not looking up from the bottle. They could all tell that is was something of great importance by the face she was making. "This is venom of the Timple spider. It's supposed to be extinct!" Caitlin paused and looked up at everyone then focused on Felicia. "Thank you so much!" She screamed, hugging Felicia and kissing her cheek.

"Why don't we continue to look around" Terence suggested. Gina nodded and started towards the fountain.

"Who's this?" She asked whilst staring up at the statue of Sir Robert Alcott. Caitlin looked up from the vial and walked over to Gina.

"I don't know. I've never seen him before. Must be really important if there's a statue in the dead center of this town." Caitlin replied. Gina just looked at her, shock written over her face.

"Oh my god! Something has stumped the genius!" Gina proclaimed, turning back to Felicia and Terence, who were caught up in their own conversation that they didn't seem to hear her.

"Very funny Gina." Caitlin said calmly. She made her way around the fountain and stopped as soon as she saw the garden. "Let's go in!" She said excitedly. Gina followed the path that Caitlin had taken and stood next to her. In front of them were two very large iron gates that lead into the garden.

"What about Terence and Felicia?" Gina asked, looking to her left at Caitlin.

"It seems as though they won't even know we've gone anywhere. They're too preoccupied with each other" Caitlin commented as the two friends looked over their shoulders at their friends; who where now walking away from the two girls; heading down another one of the streets.

"Okay. Let's go in" Gina said, her voice wavering. They made their way towards the iron gates, managing to push one of them open slightly. Caitlin was already inside and she started to walk around inside, while Gina was squeezing her way through the gate. "Caitlin! My coat is stuck on the fence and I can't get it free" Gina whined. She watched as Caitlin ran over to her and size-up the situation.

"You're going to have to take off your jacket. I can't think of any other way to get you free" Caitlin said evenly. She was watchful as her friend sighed and struggled, but managed to get her jacket off and get through the gate.

"Great! Now I'm cold" Gina sighed. The fur coat was the only thing that had been keeping her warm. It was just starting to get cold and that meant wearing a jacket at all times for the next five months. Grinning, Caitlin took off her jacket and held it out to her friend.

"Here; I don't need it. I dressed reasonably." Gina graciously accepted her friends jacket and put it on.

"Thanks, now let's get going. This place creeps me out" Gina said walking forward. After what seemed like a long period of time the two girls came across a small alcove in the outside wall of the garden. As they walked closer, Caitlin noticed a book that sat perched on a podium in the center of the alcove.

"What does it say?" Gina asked as the two stepped in front of the podium. Caitlin opened it and blew on the open page; they watched as dust flew off like a curtain in the wind.

"It dates to March 3rd; of 2020. That was one hundred years ago." Caitlin looked at Gina who nodded for her to continue. "It came at night," Caitlin read. "We didn't think much of it; although being the town of Oblivion, where the people were literally stupid, nothing would have seemed like a threat." Gina held her hand up to get Caitlin's attention.

"This must be Oblivion then? I've heard my mother talk about it sometimes but I never knew what it was" Gina announced, signalling that her friend could continue.

"It was large; fur the color of ice and snow with eyes as black as night. It attacked house by house; store by store. Nobody did anything because they were all unaware of what was going on; ignoring the screams of their dying friends and the shrieks that escaped the monster'mouth. I can hear it coming for me. I locked myself in the bomb shelter in the basement of the herbal shop. I just heard the sound of the front window breaking; it's inside. It's at the door! I can hear it growling; it sounds almost like a cat. The monster is in the room now. I'm hiding behind a few boxes of herbs. I looked around the side of the boxes; it saw me. Save yousel..." Caitlin finished. Both friends stood silently, looking at the book. There were drops of blood scattered on the page. Suddenly they heard a scream coming from somewhere inside Oblivion.

"Oh my god! That's Felicia!" Gina yelled as she ran back towards the gate; Caitlin followed. Squeezing their way through the iron gates they heard another scream. It sounded from the herbal shop. Caitlin and Gina glanced at each other before running towards the shop. Just as they got in front of the emporium Terence tumbled on the front door. 

'Where's Fel?" Caitlin asked. A few moments later they saw Felicia run through the store and jump out of the broken window. She had a scar on her cheek and what looked like a claw mark on her back. "We need to go now!" Caitlin yelled as a shriek sounded from inside the store.

"I agree" Gina said. The group of four ran as fast as they could; knowing that the monster wouldn't chase them outside of the town's walls. For it was it's home now, and they had trespassed. Felicia, Terence, Gina, and Caitlin would never speak of what happened that day to anyone; nobody but each other. Caitlin had managed to stitch up Felicia's wounds enough that all that was left was a very pale white scar running down the length of her back. 

In the years that followed, nobody stepped foot inside of Oblivion. Not because they knew of the danger that awaited them but because of the feeling it gave off; of death and sorrow. As for our four friends. Felicia and Terence lived happily ever after; having twins, a boy and girl, and living in Euphoria; much to Terence's dads protest. Caitlin moved into the castle of Clout and became Gina's personal encyclopedia.

Kingdom of Clement
Rain boomed against the window pant of the carriage. Thunder crashed close by as violent winds rocked us back and forth on the road. It was so loud it made Gina scream and move away from the window.

"How long until we get there?" Gina whined. Lightning flashed outside and lit up her eyes; they looked scared and tired.

"We'll be there soon. Hopefully the weather picks up soon. Nice weather would be nice for once this week," Caitlin replied looking out the window. The landscape was slowly changing from flat plains to a dense forest. The lightning illuminated the trees causing shapes to come to life in the dark.

"Good. Bad weather is a downer" Gina sighed, leaning back into the plush leather seat. The rain had been droning on for at least a week now, only today had the thunder and lightning started. It had began rather calmly, a light pitter patter on the windowsills of the castle but not too soon after had it turned violent; bursting from the clouds and crashing to the ground. Nobody in all four kingdoms had seen the sun in the past week. 

It was starting to take a tole on Euphoria's crops; that's why Caitlin and Gina had traveled to one of the neighboring kingdoms. With the treacherous rainfall the Kingdom of Droke, kingdom of the northern lands, was in a valley surrounded by high mountains which meant that it was flooded causing a massive evacuation. There was Cimmerian, kingdom of the western lands but nobody ever willingly went there out of sheer fear of the cave-dwellers. That only left Clement, kingdom of the southern lands and home to the people who live in the trees. They were hoping to set up a trade agreement between the two kingdoms. 

"We're here! I think," Gina exclaimed, looking through the carriage's window. Tall tress surrounded them, covered with shiny green leaves and glowing colorful flowers. Blues, greens, oranges, and purples shone through the darkness, lighting up silhouettes hidden in the trees.

"Caitlin!" A voice came from the right side of the carriage. A young woman appeared in front of the door and opened it. With a smile she waved her hand to tell us to get out. "And this must be Lady Gina." Another woman materialized from the night mist and made her way towards them. She had long, slightly wavy blonde and a a neon blue flower crown. He dress was light pink in color and fit her curves well. The skirt was laced with different colored flowers and flowed away from her waist.

"Lady Hana. It's good to see you again" Caitlin replied, stepping out of the gig and walked towards her. Caitlin wore a plain white dress and beige vest. Her light brown hair was pulled back into a waterfall braid which made it easier to see her thin, black framed glasses. "Come on Lady Gina. The Duke and Duchess are waiting" Caitlin continued, turning back to the carriage.

"I'm coming," Gina replied, climbing out and stepping onto the grass. She walked towards the other girls and stood beside Caitlin.

"Actually, my parents said that you two should get your rest and they will meet with you in the morning" Lady Hana said, walking away from them. "Let's get out of this rain and I'll show you to your rooms." Gina and Caitlin followed as they hurried towards a gigantic tree. When they got closer they could see wooden planks attached to the trunk of the tree, ascending to meet with the base of a walkway high up among the trees branches.

"There's no railing. What if we fall? You know I have horrible balance." Gina whispered in Caitlin's ear, causing her to smile. The rain was still pounding down as they reached the base of the staircase.

"You won't fall, no matter how unbalanced and clumsy you are" Caitlin replied, watching Lady Hana make her way up the planks. When she looked back to Gina, she saw her frown. "Take my hand. That way when you fall, you'll pull me down too." Caitlin winked and she linked her fingers with Gina's and started their ascension.

Bright yellow lights shone above them as they made their way up the wooden planks. They were over halfway up the tree trunk and Caitlin was still holding Gina's hand, trying to calm her nerves. Lady Hana was far ahead of them, already standing on the walkway, waiting for her two guests. 

"Welcome ladies, to the Kingdom of Clement!" She announced once the others had joined her. Lanterns hung from every tree trunk, giving off dull golden light, enough to illuminate the scene around them. People dressed in dark green clothing cluttered the walkways in front of them. Women and girls dressed in dresses with colorful flowers decorating the waist lines. Men and boys wore baggy cloth pants and tight dark green shirts. Looking closer at the men you could see flowers in their hair. Each of them had different colors and different types of flowers, only matching some of the older men and some of the children, meaning they were in the same family. Huts made of more wooden planks were scattered throughout the trees, almost like tree-houses.  

'It's beautiful! The use of the trees branches and trees to create a massive roof is incredible." Caitlin announced, looking up to get a better look at the way the branches and leaves were intertwined so that not even a single drop of rain could get through. Branches crisscrossed over others and leaves laid on top of each other. 

"Much obliged. It took a few generations for the branches to grow  in that shape. My ancestors had to live in the damp and cold for a hundred years" Lady Hana replied with a smile. She began walking down the walkway towards a rather small wooden hut. "This way to your rooms." She waved for Gina and Caitlin to follow her and waited outside the hut's front door; vines that grew from the top of the door, falling down towards the floor. 

"This is place is so much nicer than Clout. So much prettier as well`` Gina whispered to Caitlin as they walked through the vines and into the hut. The ceiling was made of tiny branches woven together into a point at the top. The same blue flowers that shone brightly outside grew on the walls of the hut. Little lanterns hung from the ceiling and let off the same dull golden light like on the walkways. 

``I told you you`d like it here`` Caitlin replied, looking over her shoulder at Gina. They stood in a relatively small room. Two single beds sat on either side of the room with a small wooden table in between with a lantern on top of it. To the right of the door was a single large branch sticking up from the floor with multiple smaller branches sticking out of it, almost like hooks for clothes. 

``Sorry for the small space. It was the best we could do.`` Lady Hana shrugged and walked towards the door. ``Have a good night. Danica will come and wake you up in the morning.`` And with that she left the hut. Neither of them spoke while they got comfortable in their new environment.

``Good night Gina`` Caitlin said as she laid down in her bed. She leaned to her right and blew out the candle, causing the room to fall into darkness. No sound came from the right side of the room where Gina lay. She was staring at the ceiling and the walls around her as the blue flowers began to shine.

``So beautiful; like you`` She said before turning on her side to face the wall. The sound of the rain hitting the leaves above them lulled them to sleep.


"Lady Gina! Caitlin! Wake up!" A voice yelled from the door of the hut. A young woman hurried into the building and stood in between their beds. It's the same woman that opened the carriage's door earlier. Her hair was a wild mess, brown strands stick out from her head as if she had gotten up in a hurry.

"What is it? It can't be morning yet" Gina groaned from her bed, turning over onto her stomach and covering her ears with the pillow. The woman sighed and focused on Caitlin.

"We're under attack! Caitlin, Gina, wake up now!" The woman screamed and started to shake Caitlin by her shoulders. Flying awake, Caitlin bolted up in her bed and looked the young woman dead in the eyes.

"Under attack?" Her voice was heavy with sleep and she struggled to keep her eyes open. When she saw the other woman nod she stood up and slapped Gina on the leg, resulting in a groan from her. "Gina, you have to wake up. It's Breakfast time!" Caitlin said calmly, stressing "breakfast". Gina slowly turned onto her back and glared at Caitlin.

"Breakfast? Really?" Gina groaned and let her head fall back onto the pillow. The other woman looked at them as if they were mad.  Breakfast is their code word for danger. They've been known not to awaken at the words DANGER or UNDER ATTACK so they came up with a code word. 

"We need to hurry. Cimmerian warriors are attacking the western side of the forest. Our soldiers are struggling to hold them back" The woman said as she gathered the girls' clothes from the hanger. Rubbing her eyes with the backs of her hands Gina climbed out of bed and almost falls backward, if not for Caitlin grabbing her arm.

"Come on Danica! Have you got them?" Lady Hana's voice sounded from the ground. "We need to get to the tunnels."  Gina and Caitlin struggled to get dressed as they were rushed out onto the walkway.

“I got ‘em miss,” Danica nodded. The rain was lighter than it had been earlier and the storm had stopped. It was back to pitter pattering on the leaves and landscape around them. Caitlin stopped halfway to the tree and looked out at the countless huts that were now dark. All of the lanterns were out and the world around them had become utter darkness.

“The tunnels” Caitlin smiled, looking at the others. She lit up at the thought of finally seeing the hidden underground tunnels of Clement, said to be a network, connecting all Kingdoms together. Gina strode up to her and smiled just as bright.

“You’re such a nerd” Gina laughed. “They’re just tunnels. Come on.” She took Caitlin’s hand in her and led her towards the tree. Lady Hana and Danica just watched with amusement.

“They are quite the couple" Danica stated to Lady Hana as they made they hurried down the wooden planks. They were behind the other two so as to keep their conversation quiet.

"They are not a couple Danica. Just friends" Lady Hana replied, turning her head as they touched the ground. "In any case, we should really be getting to the tunnels. It won't be safe above ground for much longer."

"After you Lady Hana" Caitlin said, practically jumping up and down with excitement. The Lady made her way behind the tree. She bent down close to the base and pulled away a few branches of a fern. A small hole, just big enough for a human to squeeze through, lay very close to the base of the tree. Almost as soon as she saw it, Caitlin maneuvered her way down the hole and landed in a dark tunnel. Dirt was packed on either side and more wooden planks covered the floor.

"Are there any lights?" Gina asked once she landed behind Caitlin. Soon after Lady Hana and finally Danica stood in the cramped space. The tunnel, much like it's entrance, was cramped and small. There was no lighting so the made the tunnel pitch black.

"Sadly, no. Not until we get the one of the junctions; which isn't that far away." Lady Hana replied. Scuffling came from the front as Caitlin began shuffling forward. The others followed until they stopped at a three way intersection; the options, keep going forward or turn left or right. "Take a left. At the next intersection go straight and then take a right. It shouldn't take too long to get to the junction."

After what seemed like a few minutes the group saw bright lights break through the darkness. Soon they were standing in a wide, circular room. Dirt still surrounded them on the walls and wooden planks still cluttered the floor. A few people sat on the floor, huddled against the walls and each other. Lady Hana made her way to each group and hushed them, telling them where to go.

"Lady Gina, I hope it's alright. I told my people to go to Sooth. It's the only option with Droke flooded" Lady Hana stated, standing and turning to where her group had entered. She wasn't there. "Caitlin, where is Lady Gina?"

"What do you mean, she was right behind me?"Caitlin said, whipping around to look at where they had just came through. The only other person with them now was Danica who had a panicked look on her face.

“I think someone grabbed her back in the tunnels” Danica whispered. The other two swiftly moved to stand in front of the woman.

“What?!” Caitlin shrieked. Panic, alarm, and dismay was captured in her facial expression. She stumbled back a little, causing Lady Hana to grab her arm to help steady her. “Oh no. I should have known they would try this” she sighed.

“Tried what?” Lady Hana asked calmly. She stood tall in the room and didn’t make a move to remove her hand from Caitlin’s arm.

“The Cimmerians. That’s why they’re here” Caitlin replied, sounding exhausted. Suddenly she jumped upright and bolted for the way they had come. Not caring about Lady Hana, knowing she would okay with Danica there with her, she ran back the way they had come; taking a left and stopping at the net intersection when she heard screaming coming from the left. “Gina!” she screamed, running down the tunnel. She ran faster when she spotted a light not far away.

“Caitlin!” Gina yelled. That’s when Caitlin stopped in her tracks. She could make out Gina’s face, slung over the back of a giant man, from the light emanating from the small lantern he was holding. The tunnel had widened a little and he was able to turn around, although quite slowly. His face was rather square and pointed. He stood slightly slouched, as if he had lived in cramped conditions for a long time.

“Kane” Caitlin breathed. He smirked at the sound of his name and the fear that splashed over this woman’s face. She shifted her weight from foot to foot, ready for a fight if one presented itself.

“Nelson only wanted his relative but he might enjoy you as well” Kane spoke as if he had all the time in the world. Words ran from his mouth as if they were trapped in molasses. He smiled lavishly and placed Gina down on the ground. From where Caitlin stood she could see that her friend’s hands and feet were tied so she couldn’t get away.

“Honestly, I don’t think you’re taking anyone to Nelson tonight, especially not her” Caitlin stated as Kane hurtled himself at her. With little space in the tunnel, she was barely able to move out of the way as a shriek came from Gina. Not waiting for him to turn around, Caitlin took out a knife that she kept hidden in the inside of her vest. While he was still turning around she jumped onto his back. Working against his oversized hands clawing to get her off and ignoring the Gina’s panicked yelling, Caitlin quickly slide the knife cleanly across the man’s neck and toppled off his back.

“Gina, are you alright?” Caitlin asked breathlessly. She struggled to stand and slowly moved over to where Gina was.

“H-h-how did you do that?” Gina asked, stunned. She looked up at Caitlin; her gorgeously simple white dress was covered in dirt and her hair was even worse than it had been when they’d woken up. Caitlin knelt down and used the knife to cut the ropes around her friend’s hands and feet.

“Terence taught me some fighting skills before I came here. I guess they paid off” Caitlin smiled as she stood and used the bottom of her dress to wipe Kane’s blood off. Looking it over, she saw Gina staring at her. Gina didn’t look much better. Her medium length black hair was wild; strands stood out from her head and her dress was torn in certain places.

“Terence. I will have to thank him later” Gina said, standing up and starting to walk back towards the junction where Lady Hana and Danica waited for them. Listening to hear Caitlin’s footsteps she stopped when she didn’t hear any. Turning around she was her friend looking at her; just watching her. “Caitlin? You alright?”

“Oh yeah. I’m fine. Just making sure you’re okay” Caitlin smiled again; this time a big smile. Her normal, beautiful Caitlin smile. Once she stood next to her Gina reached up and fixed Caitlin glasses.

“I don’t know how they stayed on while you were kicking ass” Gina smirked. Laughing, they both climbed over Kane’s body and made their way back to Lady Hana and Danica. Caitlin silently thanking the gods that Gina had not heard what Kane had said.

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